Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jesus and Santa Clause

This Christmas season, we've been focusing on the meaning behind the holiday and why we celebrate Christmas.  There are posts in my newsfeed every day about how Santa Clause is evil, and your kids will grow up to hate you for lying to them when they realize Santa Clause isn't real.  Some even go far enough with the  "real vs fiction" realization to declare that kids will start to think that Jesus is a lie, too.  I used to think these posts were a deliberate attempt to make me feel like a horrible mom to even consider inviting Santa to stop at our house.  However, after trying to rationalize Jesus and Santa Clause to a toddler, I kind of understand the dilemma!  I grew up believing in both, and I turned out just fine, but what if I am dooming my kids?  

Molly wants absolutely nothing to do with the discussions.  She knows that there are presents under the tree and she wants to open all of them.  NOW.  She cares not why they are there, or from whom they came.  

On the other hand, if you ask Jack why we celebrate Christmas, he wil throw his arms out and excitedly yell, "JESUS!!".  Then, in a quiet voice, he adds "And Santa Clause? With the presents?".  Yes, sweet boy, but mainly Jesus.

After much debate, and lots of eye-rolling from my husband, we've decided that our family will celebrate the birth of Christ, while maintaining the spirit of Santa.  I don't think we will push the naughty or nice agenda, or chastise our little ones, reminding them that Santa "sees you when you're sleeping!".  That's a bit creepy for me.   So, just as Jesus freely gave everything for us, while we clearly didn't deserve it, Santa will bring gifts for our children.  Trust me- Toddlers are not capable of being good enough to "earn" the things that Santa brings them.   I certainly won't judge anyone who decides to abolish Saint Nick at their house, but if your kids come to kindergarten and gleefully tell mine that Santa is a fraud, we'll have more than family traditions to discuss.  

Merry Christmas, and other fun stuff

It's December 17, and my Christmas shopping is complete (for the littles).  Have I even started buying gifts for everyone else in my life?  Oh, goodness no.  Let's keep it interesting and completely last- minute, shall we?

In fairness, Jack and Molly's big gift was brought to our house a few weeks ago, so there wasn't much to do in terms of gift-getting.  

They absolutely adore it.  I am so happy that we have something to play on outside!  It satisfies their monkey-like climbing addiction, and there's nothing sweeter than a completely, slap-dab worn out toddler at nap time.

In other semi-related news, Amazon Prime is the best and worst thing that has ever happened to us. Especially during these massive lightning deal sales.  Every.Single.Day, there is something on sale that we just need.   Some items, like the kids' balance bikes, were smart, sensible buys.  We were planning on buying them for birthday gifts, so getting them 50% off a few months early makes sense.  However, the other 15 packages that have shown up on our doorstep in the past few weeks are of more questionable necessity. I mean, Paul bought himself a bicycle.  It's a great bike, and he's wanted one for a long time, but still.  Darn you, Amazon Prime!

If I don't get around to blogging before Christmas, I hope that each and every one (and I mean one, since I probably have no readers left...) of you has an amazing Christmas.  I know at we will!