Monday, April 16, 2012

22 Weeks!

Week 22

Weight Gained: 24 lbs.  I'm just waiting for one of my doctors to say something (anything) about my weight gain, because I have no idea whether I'm on target or not!

Cravings:  I think I might turn into a McDonald's cheeseburger with extra pickles.  So good. 

Food Aversions: Nothing sounds particularly bad anymore!  Some things definitely sound better than others, but nothing sounds terrible anymore.  It's about time!

Symptoms: We're adding back pain into the mix.  Combined with round ligament pain and swollen ankles, I'm like a bonafide pregnant woman!  I've adopted a kind of baby waddle when I walk, and I love it!

How I'm Feeling: Right this minute, I feel crummy.  For the past week, I've been at war with this horrible chest cold.  It's been going something like this:

**Coughing fit --> Contractions --> Robitussin/Benadryl --> Sleep for 1 hour --> Coughing fit**

Pretty miserable stuff, but at least it's predictable, right?  Once a day, I can take Unisom, which usually lets me get a good 3-4 hours stretch of sleep without coughing.  Taking so much medicine kind of makes me panic, but my OB has ok'd this combo and without it, I cannot breathe.  In this case, the benefits completely outweigh the risk.  It's got to get better soon, because I am good for nothing right now and there is so much to do. 

Exciting Stuff: Molly and Jack's movements are strong enough now that you can see my belly move .  It's such a strange thing to watch!  It makes for good entertainment while I'm sitting in bed trying to recuperate.  I keep trying to catch it on video, but apparently these babies are camera shy.

Weekly Worries:  I'm completely overwhelmed with all of the things that must get done before the twins arrive.  I have this huge list of things to do, but I really don't even know where to start.  On my days off, all I want to do is rest because I am so exhausted.  My MFM ordered 4 hours/day of bed rest because of the swelling in my legs, so that also cuts into my potential productive time.  Time just needs to slow down!


  1. OMG!!! I havent had Mc Donalds in years but this last month I have had one to many cheesburgers!! They sound good all day everyday!!

  2. Yay for 22 weeks! But, UGH, that cold really sucks!!!

    I think you're right about where I was at 22 weeks (in terms of weight gain) and my OB was very happy with it. My MFM never talks about weight gain -- he just looks at the scans and says things look good.

  3. I am so glad you gave us an update. You are forever in my positive thoughts.
    Hugs to you and the little ones,

  4. I'm enjoying reading your blog and following your twin pregnancy progressing!
    Take care of those babies. Im a NICU nurse.....Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter.
    McDonald's never hurt a baby......Molly and Jack will be asking for Happy meal toys before you can say Two all beef patties special sauce....

  5. I'm enjoying reading your blog and following your twin pregnancy progressing!
    Take care of those babies. Im a NICU nurse.....Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter.
    McDonald's never hurt a baby......Molly and Jack will be asking for Happy meal toys before you can say Two all beef patties special sauce....
