Monday, December 12, 2011

Beta Day #1

Ok...  I haven't exactly been an angel during my 9 day wait for my beta test.  I will admit to caving and taking a pregnancy test at 3dp5dt that was completely and overwhelmingly negative.  Of course it was- that was insanely early, and it was stupid.  However, beginning on Wednesday  (5 days after transfer), I started noticing a strange phenomenon.  There was an odd faint pink line where before there was only white space.  The faintest of faints at first, every day it became ever-so-slightly darker. 

I had blood drawn Sunday to check my hcg levels to confirm that I am indeed pregnant.  The nurse called back with my beta level- 411.  It's official!  Right this very second, I am growing a fetus or two.  Who knows what Tuesday's test will bring (the level needs to double every 48 hours), but I'm enjoying the heck out being pregnant in this moment!

**Note to people that I know in real life:  I know that I said I wouldn't know anything until Wednesday.  I'm just not ready yet for so many people to know- it's incredibly hard to un-tell this kind of thing if things don't work out.  Feel free to let me know that you know, but please don't tell anyone else!


  1. Wohooo! So happy for you! How exciting, and yes, try to enjoy it as much as you can. Great news =)

  2. Congratulations! So happy for you!

  3. Definitely enjoy this moment!!! Sending sticky vibes your way!

  4. Yeah!! This is fanastic news! I've been waiting for you to post about this. I am hoping you will consider sharing this news with the PGD board? If not, I completely understand. It's just that good news is what makes all the testing worth it :)
